Mixture of subjects. Knowing, to say it with Pasolini, is heresy; moving from one heterogeneous system to another is what he has always sought in novels, poems and especially in films.

Mixture of subjects. Knowing, to say it with Pasolini, is heresy; moving from one heterogeneous system to another is what he has always sought in novels, poems and especially in films.
Toni D’Angela, La sorte funesta e lo splendore del fiore
Martin Pawley, Pinky y la cuestión racial
Eduardo A. Russo, Kazan y los bordes del noir: sobre Panic in the Streets
Toni D’Angela, Panic in the Streets o della narrazione intensiva
Ana Daniela De Souza Gillone, ¡Viva Zapata! reverso
Isaac León Frías, On the Waterfront: la propensión barroca
Toni D’Angela, Barthes, il vaccino dalla verità e la delicatezza. On the Waterfront
Eirik Frisvold Hanssen, Pioneer spirit: Wild River
Margarida Assis, To Be and Not To Be: America America
Carlos Losilla, Diez notas breves alrededor de The Arrangement: sobre la cuestión del fragmento
Quim Casas, Kazan y The Visitors en el nuevo mapa del cine norteamericano
Mireia Iniesta Navarro, Reclusión y eterno retorno del cine contemporáneo
Edited by Carlos Losilla and Toni D’Angela
Raquel Schefer & Sérgio Dias Branco, Ousmane Sembène: Inverting the Colonial Gaze
Mary Jane Androne, Work and Economic Change in Sembène’s Films
Sérgio Dias Branco, Land and Power: The Landscapes of Ousmane Sembène’s Post-Colonial Cinema
M. Gail Hamner, Mask and Materiality in Ousmane Sembène’s Black Girl
Jayson Baker, Black Girl and Global Media Culture
Eddy Troy, Images at Work: Ousmane Sembène’s Feminist Film Aesthetics
Savrina Chinien, Ousmane Sembène: The Throes of Postcolonialism?
Edited by Raquel Schefer and Sérgio Dias Branco
Salomé Lopes Coelho, Mariana Cunha & Angela Prysthon, Nature/Ch’ixi/Culture and the Cinemas of Latin America: An Introduction
Angela Prysthon & Lucca Nicoleli, Botanical Offerings, Plants as Gifts, Experimental Cinema and the World of Claudio Caldini
Paula Bertúa, Herbaria : Essays for a Material and Postnaturalist Memory of Botany and Film
Salomé Lopes Coelho, Los ritmos de la materia más-que-humana en la serie de films eco-revelados Metarretratos, de Azucena Losana
Salomé Lopes Coelho, De la planta a la pantalla: Diálogo con Azucena Losana a partir de su proyecto Metarretratos
Catarina Andrade & Álvaro Brito, Re-existence Through Cosmopoetics: A Decolonial Approach to Contemporary Cinema
Marcos Aurélio Felipe, ETÃN BË TALI BU: apontamentos sobre dimensões cosmofílmicas indígenas de Abya Yala
Constanza Ceresa, El cine como una experiencia situada: entrevista a Jeannette Muñoz
Federico Windhausen, Slow Onset: A Brief Consideration of Guillermo Moncayo’s Echo Chamber
Pedro Bezerra Melo, Irreconciliado e insubmissio: a estética do Colectivo Los Ingrávidos
Sebastian Wiedemann & Byron Davies, Ecologías post-naturales del cine experimental latinoamericano reciente: un diálogo
Erin Wilkerson, Feral Filmmaking: Wilding Cinema as a Decolonial Act
Pedro Urano, Becoming moita
Edited by Salomé Lopes Coelho, Mariana Cunha, Angela Prysthon
« La bonne distance, le sens du sacré ». Conversation avec Régis Hébraud, Raquel Schefer et Salomé Lopes Coelho
Vanessa Nicolazic, Vincent Sorrel & Nicolas Tixier, Flaner les rues, relier des lieux. Les bal(l)ades grenobloises d’Aaton
R. Bruce Elder, Plotinus, Alfred North Whitehead, Electromorphic Art, and Feminine Ecopoetics
Toni D’Angela, Come in uno specchio. Da Godard a Godard