La Furia Umana
  • I’m not like evereybody else
    The Kinks
  • E che, sono forse al mondo per realizzare delle idee?
    Max Stirner
  • (No ideas but in things)
    W.C. Williams

R. BRUCE ELDER / Woman’s Art and Ecological Aesthetics: The Way Forward – Part 2

The previous issue of La Furia Umana published the first part of my article “Woman’s Art and Ecological Aesthetics: The Way Forward.” In that part of my extended essay, I showed how Kenneth Rexroth’s encounter with Chinese poetry led him to a hierophantic conception of concrete reality. This resulted in his repudiating Anglo-Modernist beliefs about […]

TONI D’ANGELA / Jean-Luc Godard e il ’68. L’inizio di un’epoca

Marx? Lenin? Mao o, meglio, Debord? No, per cominciare l’attraversamento degli anni più politici di Jean-Luc Godard cominciamo da Los Angeles e poi dall’osservazione di un filmmaker sperimentale americano raramente associato alla militanza politica, Paul Sharits. In una straordinaria conversazione su cinema e politica con Samuel Fuller, Peter Bogdanovich, Roger Corman e King Vidor, avvenuta […]

CLAIRE ALLOUCHE et ANA VAZ / Au bord de Brasília, une archéologie cinématique. Dialogue avec Ana Vaz

« Brasília fica à beira » a écrit Clarice Lispector en 1970 dans sa chronique pour le Jornal do Brasil intitulée « Nos primeiros começos deBrasília », soit, en français « Les débuts de Brasília ».  « Brasília fica à beira ». « Brasília se trouve sur la rive », dit la traduction de Jacques et Teresa Thériot.i« Brasília reste au bord », pourrions-nous aussi entendre. Quelle que soit […]

ANA VAZ / Kamña’s Fire Kina’s Calling

It is the time of fire. And Kamñaii wants to expand its blaze. The fire of Kamña is gunpowder, flame and fuel for an unbound fire that scorches the earth, that drowns villages, that decimates people. Kamña’s insatiable thirst still lusts to carve out deserts. Kamña wants meat, lot’s of it, red and bloody, sacrificing hordes […]

RAQUEL SCHEFER / El cine de Ana Vaz. “Apiyemiyekî?”

Un sentir es el del sintiente, pero otro es el del sentidor. João Guimarães Rosa, Grande Sertão: Veredas1 Cincelado a lo largo de una docena de cortos y mediometrajes, el cine de Ana Vaz combina la experimentación formal —un lenguaje singular, esculpido al margen del canon y en diálogo constante con las formas visuales de los modernismos— con una reflexión acerca de […]

PAULA FLEISNER / “Para nosotros la política es otra cosa”. Paradojas de una pedagogía para enemigos ignorantes

I. Perplejidad Este escrito es el registro de una experiencia de lectura compartida. Un ejercicio de explicitación de algunas de las preguntas que formulé en “portuñol salvaje” durante la conversación virtual que sostuvimos en el espacio que llamamos “Cosmoestéticas del sur” mientras cumplíamos los variados requisitos de aislamiento físico entre 2020 y 2021. Preguntas situadas, formuladas […]

NOELIA BILLI / La caída del cielo y la diplomacia vegetal

La relación de los pueblos originarios con las plantas de poder ha sido objeto de estudio antropológicos y etnobotánicos prolíficos, y han sido atestiguadas en todo el mundo. En general, las ciencias antropológicas han considerado a las plantas, y sobre todo a las que tienen efectos psicotrópicos, como dispositivos de mediación entre los humanos y […]

GUADALUPE LUCERO / Pedagogía imaginaria para comedores de tierra

Los debates contemporáneos en torno a la crisis climática señalan a menudo a los pueblos originarios como quienes podrían jugar el complejo papel de guardianes de un planeta progresivamente arruinado para la vida humana, como efecto necesario de diversos procesos de desarrollo y modernización. Sin embargo, y como bien señalan Déborah Danowski y Eduardo Viveiros […]

AKSELI VIRTANEN / A glossary of post-capitalist economic expression

If I have learned something in studying the economy, it is that the economy has a history. It has not always been, meant nor functioned in the way, with the methods or with the intentions we associate with it today. Even if presenting certain economic realities and protocols as undeniable self evidences tries to tell […]

DICK BRYAN / What Counts and Who’s Counting: Potentials of Non-Capitalist Markets

“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” This statement, an internet search shows, is often attributed to Albert Einstein. And it would be a delight for this essay if it were true, for we could nicely weave into our analysis of ‘what counts’ a discussion of […]

JORGE LOPEZ / Our economy: A (re)programmable network operating system

This is an invitation to understand our economy as a re-designable communication medium and organization system, where our exchanges are not only material, but also informational. An invitation to enter a practical conversation on the reconfiguration of the system we share and rely upon to collectively coordinate, govern and empower each other to transform and […]

JONATHAN BELLER / A Preamble to the Decolonization of Money

Economic Media: In a present built out of the capture of nearly all revolutionary expression by a computational media system, this capture and consequent foreclosure of revolutionary becoming is a central feature of computational racial capitalism. Aspiration and indeed the struggle for survival becomes a means of production. Thus it becomes necessary to intervene in […]

JONATHAN BELLER / Economic Media: A Brief Dossier

Economic media already exists. You’re using it right now. You can receive a message (this text), and, if you’re on a computer (and even if you are not), you can transmit it, annotate it, edit it, etc. You can operate with and on the text or pixels denoting the semiotic referents of the message to […]

TONI D’ANGELA / Living School. La scuola come trouble

“Questo era il più importante nell’essere là: non aver finito il mio viaggio; anzi, forse, averlo appena cominciato” Elio Vittorini “To be less solid” Jane Bennett “Problema è una parola interessante. Una delle sue varianti inglesi – trouble – rivela dei legami particolari: deriva da troubler, un verbo francese del tredicesimo secolo che significa ‘rimescolare’, […]

UBALDO FADINI / Mostri e istituzioni

Quello che mi propongo in questo contributo è di avvicinare percorsi di ricerca considerati spesso estranei tra loro o comunque assai distanti. Si tratta di giocare, con un occhio di riguardo a ciò che appare “nostro”, sul tavolo disegnato da processi di scorrimento di temi, concetti, figure che riguardano ambiti di riflessione – in particolare […]

LUCA PELOSO / Staying with Words – Making Kin in the Hamlet(ocene). Intorno alla presenza di Shakespeare in Donna Haraway

L’obiettivo è generare parentele – fare kin – attraverso delle connessioni inventive. – Donna Haraway, Chthulucene – Sappiamo quello che siamo ma non  sappiamo quello che possiamo essere  – Ofelia, Amleto (IV.5, vv. 43-44) – 1. Il gesto è la parola. Le suture elementari della parentela (kin, kind) Scrive Donna Haraway in Chthulucene: Il mio intento è far sì che il […]

SOPHIE LÉCOLE SOLNYCHKINE / Théorie dans la boue (Theory in the mud). Penser le cinéma à partir des matériaux, une lecture cinématographique de Donna Haraway

Dans la lignée de ses précédents travaux, Donna Haraway propose, avec Staying with the Trouble, Making Kin in the Chthulucene[1], une réflexion singulière qui se tient à la croisée des sciences du vivant, de la philosophie, de l’anthropologie et des théories féministes. Investissant les récents développements de la biologie de l’évolution, notamment la notion de symbiogenèse[2], […]

ELENA MAZZI & RAPHAELLE OCCHIETTI / In Conversation with Elena Mazzi on Silver Rights

Dear Elena, thank you so much for joining us in this special issue on Donna Haraway’s notion of “staying with the trouble”. You are an Italian artist, and your creative activity is geared towards interacting with specific territories and communities. For one of your most recent projects, for which you have won the prestigious funding […]

SYLVAIN GEORGE / « Ain’t I a Child? » (Cinéma, Enfance, Révolution)

Liminaire Le film qui nous occupe actuellement se situe à Melilla. Melilla (Mlilya en arabe), et sa ville « sœur » Ceuta (ou Sebta en arabe), sont des enclaves espagnoles situées en territoire marocain. Elles présentent la particularité d’être à la fois des frontières espagnoles, mais aussi des frontières européennes sur le continent Africain. Ces villes sont des « anomalies » géographiques : en […]

ANA FERNANDEZ / Maps to recognize the land after catastrophe – How plants, indigenous knowledge and artists may lead us through the ends of one world and the beginning of another: The story of Malinche

Invoking la Malinche is the best way to speak of the end.                                                                                                Franco “Bifo” Berardi The image above, (fig.1) an oil painting by Mexican painter Antonio Ruiz “el Corcito,” from 1939, shows an indigenous woman lying in an voluptuous bed of blankets, from which a Spanish colonial city erupts tremulously in the slopes of a mountain. […]


An installation-performance thought and made with young students (Liceo Artistico “Paolo Carcano”, Como), about the crisis that threatens the biosphere, the pulsating swarm, the humus that we ourselves are together, with all that is nonhuman. The Capitalocene brings us to the brink of the collapse. This project is an answer, a reponse-ability. This is the […]

ALEXANDRA CUESTA / Transient Archaeologies 1

Japan, 2019, 120mm color and bw film Part of Transient Archaeologies, 1-6 (2005-2022) This ongoing analogue body of work derives from the various cities I have lived in, worked, travelled, and filmed. The series documents histories and systems made visible through architecture and space, often times utilizing public space as a ground for interaction, other […]

KELLY SEARS / Maximum Umbra

Maximum Umbra is an alternate account of the solar eclipse in 2017. Images and sounds recorded at this event conjure an unexpected celestial horror. Kelly Sears

T.D. / Let’s make some trouble

To “quote” Nietzsche, we do not proceed with a hammer, but rather with a very fine file – later Deleuze would echo this sentiment. Since its “foundation” (2009), this journal has sought to undo that body of work we call “film criticism” like some sort of separate genre. What does such a procedure entail? Opening […]