La Furia Umana
  • I’m not like everybody else
    The Kinks
  • E che, sono forse al mondo per realizzare delle idee?
    Max Stirner
  • (No ideas but in things)
    W.C. Williams


Peter Kubelka remembers his friend Stan Brakhage

Peter Kubelka: I met Brakhage the first time in 1958, on the occasion of the World Exhibition in Brussels, which included an experimental film competition. Of course, you know I always hated the word “experimental” – because I simply consider myself a filmmaker, period.


Mixture of subjects. Knowing, to say it with Pasolini, is heresy; moving from one heterogeneous system to another is what he has always sought in novels, poems and especially in films.

Elia Kazan

Toni D’Angela, La sorte funesta e lo splendore del fiore

Martin Pawley, Pinky y la cuestión racial

Eduardo A. Russo, Kazan y los bordes del noir: sobre Panic in the Streets

Toni D’Angela, Panic in the Streets o della narrazione intensiva

Ana Daniela De Souza Gillone, ¡Viva Zapata! reverso

Isaac León Frías, On the Waterfront: la propensión barroca

Toni D’Angela, Barthes, il vaccino dalla verità e la delicatezza. On the Waterfront

Eirik Frisvold Hanssen, Pioneer spirit: Wild River

Margarida Assis, To Be and Not To Be: America America

Carlos Losilla, Diez notas breves alrededor de The Arrangement: sobre la cuestión del fragmento

Quim Casas, Kazan y The Visitors en el nuevo mapa del cine norteamericano

Mireia Iniesta Navarro, Reclusión y eterno retorno del cine contemporáneo

Edited by Carlos Losilla and Toni D’Angela

Ousmane Sembène: Inverting the Colonial Gaze

Raquel Schefer & Sérgio Dias Branco, Ousmane Sembène: Inverting the Colonial Gaze

Mary Jane Androne, Work and Economic Change in Sembène’s Films 

Sérgio Dias Branco, Land and Power: The Landscapes of Ousmane Sembène’s Post-Colonial Cinema

M. Gail Hamner, Mask and Materiality in Ousmane Sembène’s Black Girl 

Jayson Baker, Black Girl and Global Media Culture 

Eddy Troy, Images at Work: Ousmane Sembène’s Feminist Film Aesthetics

Savrina Chinien, Ousmane Sembène: The Throes of Postcolonialism?

Edited by Raquel Schefer and Sérgio Dias Branco

Nature/Ch’ixi/Culture and the Cinemas of Latin America

Salomé Lopes Coelho, Mariana Cunha & Angela Prysthon, Nature/Ch’ixi/Culture and the Cinemas of Latin America: An Introduction

Angela Prysthon & Lucca Nicoleli, Botanical Offerings, Plants as Gifts, Experimental Cinema and the World of Claudio Caldini

Paula Bertúa, Herbaria : Essays for a Material and Postnaturalist Memory of Botany and Film

Salomé Lopes Coelho, Los ritmos de la materia más-que-humana en la serie de films eco-revelados Metarretratos, de Azucena Losana

Salomé Lopes Coelho, De la planta a la pantalla: Diálogo con Azucena Losana a partir de su proyecto Metarretratos

Catarina Andrade & Álvaro Brito, Re-existence Through Cosmopoetics: A Decolonial Approach to Contemporary Cinema

Marcos Aurélio Felipe, ETÃN BË TALI BU: apontamentos sobre dimensões cosmofílmicas indígenas de Abya Yala

Constanza Ceresa, El cine como una experiencia situada: entrevista a Jeannette Muñoz

Federico Windhausen, Slow Onset: A Brief Consideration of Guillermo Moncayo’s Echo Chamber

Pedro Bezerra Melo, Irreconciliado e insubmissio: a estética do Colectivo Los Ingrávidos

Sebastian Wiedemann & Byron Davies, Ecologías post-naturales del cine experimental latinoamericano reciente: un diálogo

Erin Wilkerson, Feral Filmmaking: Wilding Cinema as a Decolonial Act

Pedro Urano, Becoming moita

Edited by Salomé Lopes Coelho, Mariana Cunha, Angela Prysthon

histoire(s) du cinéma

« La bonne distance, le sens du sacré ». Conversation avec Régis Hébraud, Raquel Schefer et Salomé Lopes Coelho

critique de la séparation

Vanessa Nicolazic, Vincent Sorrel & Nicolas Tixier, Flaner les rues, relier des lieux. Les bal(l)ades grenobloises d’Aaton

Toni D’Angela, Come in uno specchio. Da Godard a Godard