La Furia Umana
  • I’m not like everybody else
    The Kinks
  • E che, sono forse al mondo per realizzare delle idee?
    Max Stirner
  • (No ideas but in things)
    W.C. Williams


LFU/ - T.D.

T.D. / Editorial

LFU is 40! This adventure has started in 2009. Meanwhile the web keeped on floating, there has been a multiplication of journals, blogs, etc., mainstream, radicals, cozy, friendly, that have become source of profits too. LFU had changes and crisis (and malware attack too), someone left, someone is still standing in the middle of waves. […]

T.D. / Filmografia selezionata e commentata

Regeneration (1915). Melodramma sociale di ambientazione gangsteristica. È il programma walshiano: reietto semianalfabeta conquista il cuore della fanciulla dall’animo nobile, respingendo nell’abiezione il procuratore distrettuale, vanesio e risentito, prototipo del detestato maestro di cerimonie. Saggio griffithiano di montaggio parallelo e alternato, con uno stupefacente uso della mdp. The Thief of Bagdad (1924). Avventura fantastica con […]

T.D. / Editorial

LFU is 40! This adventure has started in 2009. Meanwhile the web keeped on floating, there has been a multiplication of journals, blogs, etc., mainstream, radicals, cozy, friendly, that have become source of profits too. LFU had changes and crisis (and malware attack too), someone left, someone is still standing in the middle of waves. […]