Dear Elena, thank you so much for joining us in this special issue on Donna Haraway’s notion of “staying with the trouble”. You are an Italian artist, and your creative activity is geared towards interacting with specific territories and communities. For one of your most recent projects, for which you have won the prestigious funding […]
Raphaelle Occhietti
LFU/ - Raphaelle Occhietti
RAPHAELLE OCCHIETTI / Mobilizing the Arts, Humanities and New Economic Media to Confront the Trouble
“—how to revolt? How to matter and not just want to matter?” Donna Haraway 2016: 47[1] Sometimes I feel as if I were a part of the Spider Monster, the latest villain from the series Stranger Things . This disarticulated, enormous, vicious, repugnant creature — designed by the Montréal-based visual effect company Rodeo FX[2] — perfectly meets […]